Featured Porn Videos Page 57

  • BULL-whipped

    What weighs 245lbs, has the lower body of a centaur, and enjoys turning female genitalia into mashed potatoes? This couple's hired gun... and he's not even at full power yet. More unidentifiable rectum sodomy HERE

    Date: 06/13/17 Views: 249,623 Category: Rekt

  • REAL: The 84lb Virgin

    After banging a good 85% of the Czech Republic's population, he finally broke unfamiliar ground: A mint condition hymen... and an uneducated one at that. She taps out quicker than me during the Baywatch movie.

    Date: 06/11/17 Views: 1,385,362 Category: Virgins

  • OH, HELL NO!

    That's enough Internet for today.

    Date: 06/09/17 Views: 212,266 Category: WTF

  • Who Did it Better?

    Classic remake.

    Date: 06/08/17 Views: 200,108 Category: Anal

  • HOT or GROSS?

    Her claim to fame is deplorable, and that front seat probably smells like a Chinese cat house. But when the pants come off at 0:34 seconds, her hips look like they can survive giving birth to Danny Devito & its fuckin beautiful.

    Date: 06/07/17 Views: 183,641 Category: Cringe

  • Life of the Party

    Okay I lied. Shes neither popular, nor is this a party. Shes Josefina, master of attention whoring & STD aficionado. Moral of the story: Test first, Lick later.

    Date: 06/07/17 Views: 209,777 Category: Slutty

  • Worst shit you'll see today. Promise

    Pregnant sisters, overly-hung midgets and a race to outdo dad's cum stains. I don't know if I'm jerking off to porn, or a Charlie Sheen family reunion.

    Date: 06/02/17 Views: 300,971 Category: WTF

  • Sexual Assault... FOR JUSTICE!


    Date: 05/26/17 Views: 386,525 Category: Shocking

  • The Most Stunning Girl of 2017

    Athena Faris. [full version]

    Date: 05/24/17 Views: 238,650 Category: Hot


    Nothing says 'Hood Pass' quite like champagne pink underwear, and a girl with enough cellulite to join The View. Let's just say... Lavar dun goofed.

    Date: 05/22/17 Views: 228,219 Category: Gay

  • "I can take 10 guys at once"

    Ya just got done telling the world your crotch sees more activity than the YMCA... is it really a time for giggles? Sit in a tub of peroxide & think it over.

    Date: 05/22/17 Views: 242,352 Category: Slutty

  • Legit 13-Incher

    This is ridiculous. Not lol-ridiculous like a chunk of society identifying as non-binary lesbian attack helicopters. She has zero reaction to being gutted like a sturgeon, and I keep waiting for David Attenborough's explanation.

    Date: 05/20/17 Views: 246,716 Category: Big Dicks


    I don't know what's worse: #1's future as a dolphin whisperer, or #4's daddy issues being the hottest thing about her. One more kodak moment HERE.

    Date: 05/20/17 Views: 223,100 Category: LMAO


    Dare give your pocket change to a girl with one of these things crammed up her barking walrus, and you'll be rewarded with more shakes than an epileptic with a day pass to Six Flags. SPOILER ALERT: Bitches be faking.

    Date: 05/19/17 Views: 151,957 Category: Devices

  • Crying makes him cum??

    Wife has second thoughts about the butthole boogaloo, right as he's about to shoot some tadpoles at the moon. But there's no escape, she voluntarily submits. In other words: This is a PSA on the importance of communication.

    Date: 05/16/17 Views: 244,982 Category: WTF


    Really brings me back.

    Date: 05/13/17 Views: 306,040 Category: Drunk

  • Too Tight, Can't Fight

    0:50: "keep going!"
    0:51: fffffghaarrrrgghh
    1:01: "did u really ju-?"

    Date: 05/13/17 Views: 297,142 Category: Premature

  • Saying Goodbye to a Legend

    Shame this girl doesn't make videos anymore. A damn crying shame. Never again will we see this level of excitement when it comes to colonizing the brown planet. Today's fap will be followed by a moment of silence. RIP.

    Date: 05/11/17 Views: 389,801 Category: Anal


    These guys are one of the best porn site databases, with detailed reviews of porn sites. It's almost like an IMDB for porno. 10/10, would fap again.

    Date: 05/11/17 Views: 29,396 Category: Advertisement

  • No-Contact Orgasms? COOL!

    My gut instincts tell me this is about as probable as Shia LaBeouf being properly medicated during business hours.. but I do find her full body dry-heaving, and fluid distribution kind of compelling. Thoughts?

    Date: 05/10/17 Views: 233,160 Category: Teen (18+)

  • I'm guilty of masturbating to this

    If physical pain at all plays a role in the enjoyment a person feels, I would estimate Rocketta Balboa here is hovering in between 'Level 10 Orgasm' and "I got an extra McNugget in my value meal". Ejaculate with caution.

    Date: 05/07/17 Views: 291,091 Category: WTF

  • Attention Whore of the Year

    I like how social media has rapidly evolved from cat memes, into a cut throat industry of who can get Chlamydia fastest. 10/10, would vaccinate.

    Date: 05/05/17 Views: 237,402 Category: Slutty

  • Wrecking a Russian

    Really dig the pre-buttfuck VLOG. That's what porn is missing: A personal connection to the girl that's going to be in diapers before her 29th b-day.

    Date: 05/04/17 Views: 230,874 Category: Anal

  • Still Would

    Nothing says 'bust my nut' like teeth broken off at the gum line. She's less than grateful for that flattery, but it's ok. Girls are hotter when they're mad.

    Date: 05/03/17 Views: 261,936 Category: Fail

  • Think you're doing that wrong

    If only she put as much effort into her architecture classes, as she did into clappin' clam, maybe she would've thought twice about putting this online.

    Date: 04/29/17 Views: 219,779 Category: Hot

  • Anal Causes Autism (PROOF)

    Believe it or not, cornpocket sodomy is her favorite pastime. That crater has no fear, but 2:05 is where she crossed the line into WIFE MATERIAL. I vow to thee: Hottest Autistic I'd Lose a Custody Battle To. Run with it.

    Date: 04/27/17 Views: 1,458,405 Category: Rekt

  • Getting the Last Laugh

    Easily the most deplorable attempt at sexual assault to ever grace my 13" Amiga computer monitor. And that's coming from a man who's seen more than 18 straight minutes of an Adam Sandler movie. My opinion counts.

    Date: 04/24/17 Views: 146,569 Category: Small Cocks

  • "BUT... I CAN'T DO ANAL!"

    Average Joes aren't the only ones facing resistance when trying to smash the cadburys. Semi-pro pornstars have occupational hazards too. ah well. As long as human toilet paper isn't on the menu, German girls are still bae.

    Date: 04/23/17 Views: 257,503 Category: Anal

  • United Airlines Damage Control?

    If ur the kinda dude that can enjoy 10 minutes of nothing but a corporation actually giving back to their customers, this is for you. Don't give a fuck about jigglin C-cup titties? Maybe another video suits your needs better.

    Date: 04/21/17 Views: 214,177 Category: Fappers

  • There is no title for this one

    The more colors in her hair, the crazier the bitch is. A simple concept... and one that's officially reinforced thanks to this 97lb puddle slut farming the fuck out. Put it this way: Just watching her gave me Hep-C. It's that serious.

    Date: 04/19/17 Views: 217,409 Category: WTF